A Professional Wanderer

AJ Guerrero


I am a Professional Wanderer
I am a Jack of All Trades
I am a Motivational Speaker

A Nomad, Explorer, Adventurist, Gym Rat, Sports Enthusiast, Cyclist, Trail Runner, Fitness Coach, Plant-Based Athlete, Nutritionist Nut, Videographer, Photographer, Artist, Sculptor, Writer, Sporadic Guitarist, Wishful Singer, Punk Rocker, Metalhead, Daydreamer, Student of Stoicism, Animal Lover, Passionate Naturist, and Life Seeker.

I am a Student of Life.

Why a Professional Wanderer?

I recently looked at the titles of some of the most prominent motivational speakers worldwide, and I saw one thing in common:
They all sell the success and wealth they have acquired throughout their lives.
Especially wealth.
People need to realize that sometimes, the simple act of living is a success.
It's okay if you want to be the CEO of a great company, a medalist, a best-selling author, a multimillionaire, a successful businessperson, a record winner, or anything else.
People must remember that only some people are going after these things.
Some are looking to enjoy life and not be stressed.
Everything that you do matters only to you and nobody else.
Some want to manage and eliminate stress.
Some others need to get out of their depression, anxiety, loneliness, fears, and self-doubts and find peace in their life. They need words of encouragement.
In the end, everybody wants to live a productive and peacefull life.
Your accomplishments are yours, and yours alone, not somebody's idea of accomplishments.
They all forget the most important thing is that everybody needs to live their life and consider all the time that life is very short, so
Carpe Diem! "Seize the day."

About Me

I am a regular guy who has done incredible things and passed unnoticed. I have acquired knowledge throughout many years of traveling and, sometimes, stranded in many foreign lands, trying to subsist and prosper, and that is something only some have done.

I am a versatile individual, adept at various skills and experiences that I have acquired throughout my life. I am not just a Jack of all trades, but a master of several.

I have an affinity for self-sufficiency, preferring to learn and execute tasks myself rather than relying on others. This patience and adaptability have ensured that I always have a job, thanks to my extensive experience in diverse fields.

I am a wanderer, but I am far from lost. I am the one who roams from campfire to campfire, sharing my life’s journey and the lessons I’ve learned from diverse places, people, and cultures. The joy of exploration and learning is what fuels my wanderlust.

I am a Coddiwomple—someone who travels with a purpose toward an as-yet-unknown destination.

I am a polyvalent person, which means the capacity of one person to affect another in some special way, such as by facilitating a function or activity.

Running 11

About Life

People live their lives like there is no tomorrow. Some care very little about any outcomes. They act like life is forever.
"Live a little," some say. A little? What about lives to the fullest? But the reality is that life is unpredictable, full of uncertain things and challenging situations that can break any person's spirit.
We are so worried about paying the bills that we forget those who are around us and need us.
We think our actions have no consequences, and we act on emotions instead of reason. We can't control our brains, and we intend to control outcomes and other people.
Henry David Thoreau quoted on his book The Maine Woods: The mass of men, (women included), lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them."
Each of us is shaped by the paths we choose in life. How we face challenges is a personal decision, but some of us opt to ignore them until they become insurmountable.
We ignored the fact that mental health is an issue, and we think we can deal on our own, and we have no tools to work on that. We think that if we submerge in any common addiction, it will resolve our problems, and what we are doing is increasing our problems and shortening our lives.

Motivating People

Motivating people is amazing when you lead by example. However, you can't motivate them by only showing them that they have made a lot of money.
 It's great to make money, but life isn't all about making tons of money or succeeding in being rich.
Life experience is more important than any wealth. It is the core and foundation of our existence.
Knowledge and discovering should be your primary focus, even if you are past the age of daring yourself.
 Without experience, we are nothing. We can't pretend to know about our world just by having money and a degree.
It is time to wander a little and discover the things you always want to do.
I want to bring people the motivation to dare themselves.
It's never too late to dare yourself!

I want to motivate people by leading by example. I can't tell people what to do or expect them to follow my footsteps. Everybody has to make their own footsteps. You have a destiny to fulfill, not somebody else's path. It is your own path that you have to decide to create, work on it, and live.


A few years ago, I made a firm decision to write the book about my transformative bicycle journey.
It's been a decade since I completed my journey, but the book didn't come easily. I had to carefully piece together the puzzle of my life, digesting and assimilating all the events that had shaped me.

I poured my heart and soul into narrating the story of this extraordinary journey that not only opened my eyes and mind but also ignited a passion within me to share its profound lessons about life and the human spirit.
After I was introduced to and adopted the Stoic philosophy, it was easy to align and make logic of all the events during my travel.

Later, I began writing my second book, even though the first wasn't published yet, but I had this enormous urge to speak out about other things.
Now, I have written a motivational speech about the second book and begun to write a third book, which is directly related to children but with the intention of catching adults' interests and lives, too.

The Stoic philosophy has changed my life forever and has allowed me to be more pragmatic in life in general and understand human conditions with a broader perspective.

Trust...don't Hope

The Diary of a Wanderer Cyclist

A Wanderer approach to Stoicism.

Amor Fati – Love Your Fate
Memento Mori – Remember, we must die

There is No Love in Destruction!

Psst! The Truth about the Stupidity in Humanity.

Ex-Alcoholic Addict
Ex-Junk Food Addict
Ex-Tobacco Addict
Ex-Sugar Addict
Ex-Drug Addict

Everything begins

with your decision 

Available on your Amazon website now!

Trust...Don't Hope - The Diary of a Wanderer Cyclist
A Wanderer Approach to Stoicism

There is No Love in Destruction!
Psst! The Truth about the Stupidty of Humanity

For other countries ,check your country Amazon website.
Type the name of the book on the browser of your Amazon website.

Embracing the Stoic Way of Living

With Wisdom, by navigating through complex, challenging situations by being patient, calm, and using logic.

With Temperance, by exercising self-restriction and moderation in all aspects of life.

With Justice, by learning to treat everybody fairly, even when they have done wrong, and looking at life through their eyes.

With Courage, not only in extraordinary circumstances but also in facing daily challenges with clarity and integrity.


Motivational Speech

There is No Love in Destruction!
Psst! The Truth about the Stupidty of Humanity

October 23rd @ 17:00

There is No Love in Destruction is a book that became a speech about the use of the most common drugs in our society, alcohol, tobacco, sugar, and all the chemicals that are in the process and overprocess food.

The book and the speech are a unique blend of humor, sarcasm, and stark reality. The speech is a bit of a theatrical performance, serving as a powerful wake-up call to the destructive patterns in our lives.

Stay In Touch With Me!

For events and questions

Your time is up.

You can’t wait any longer.

You need to get help.

The decision is yours.